Tuesday, August 20, 2013

what if?

What if we saw story as more than a sentimental medium for entertainment, and more than a clever method of delivering spiritual content?

What if we began to imagine that the stories we consume, and the God-story we tell are somehow indelibly connected?

What if we allowed ourselves to recognise the alignment that resonates between the stories found within our culture, and the big story that supersedes all of human culture?

What if story is something that is happening? Right now.

What if God is actively drawing us to Himself through the power of story - any story ... beckoning us to a dream that exists beyond ourselves - and beyond the tiny narratives we settle for?

What if God's story is more than something  we tell - but something we swim in; and breathe in; and live in - something that is far more than static, still, or stagnant?

What if this story moves? What if this story flows?

What if this story is LIVE?